How Marie Kondo Marie Kondo's her Beauty Routine

Coveteur | Weston Wells

Coveteur | Weston Wells

With Spring right around the corner, and therefore almost time to spring clean our little hearts out, I thought it’d be perfect timing to talk about streamlining our beauty routines. And who better to mimic, than Marie Kondo herself.

If you’re not familiar with Marie Kondo, well her name is basically now a verb, symbolic with ‘tidying up’ + ‘organizing’. As in…

“OMG I Marie Kondo’d my closet this weekend!”

Additionally, this personal motto of hers has become an infamous household slogan: ‘does it spark joy?’

In other words, Marie teaches us how to let go of all the crap in our lives that doesn’t spark our joy, one drawer (or person lol) at a time.

Not only is she the Queen of Organization (no offense Martha Stewart), but Marie Kondo also reigns in the beauty department — have you ever taken a close look at her skin? At 34 years old, she still has baby skin. It’s flawless!

And yup you guessed it… she only uses a few select products. None of those long morning makeup routines +/or extremely cluttered beauty cabinets. Her beauty arsenal, as well as her process, is very simple + streamlined. And obviously, it works! (my long blonde tail with a million hair products in it is between my legs, how bout you.)

Here’s what we’ve learned from Marie Kondo + her porcelain skin:

First of all, Marie simplifies things with long eyelash extensions. If you’ve ever had them, then you know how easy it is to automatically have that ‘I woke up like this’ look each morning without the hassle of mascara, eyelash curlers, etc.

Marie also has one up on us because she’s always stayed out of the sun. And now, she won’t step outside without SPF + a hat. As far as diet goes, Marie sticks to healthy, homemade Japanese food.

OK so back to Marie’s skin. Here are the products she swears by (get excited because yes they are NATURAL) Click on each photo to shop for yourself:

Morning Routine — Tatcha Cleanising Oil, followed by a lightweight moisturizer + a spritz of Rose Water. She also loves Herbivore’s lip conditioner.


Nighttime Routine — Cleansing Oil, followed by a toner + lotion.

Then for makeup… well that’s super simple, too:

A primer, a sheer layer of foundation, a dab of cream blush + a swipe of pink lipstick to finish.

But wait, she has a makeup secret!! When Marie has a long day ahead of her, she keeps her makeup fresh with these Tatcha Blotting Papers, in lieu of continuous coats of cakey-looking powder.


It’s all about preserving that natural beauty + letting it shine through

Welp, if you need me, I’ll be Marie Kondo’ing my beauty cabinet.

ALSO, I’ve been organizing my makeup for some time now in these chic little drawers…

They look really pretty on your vanity + they make getting ready a breeze. It’s also nice not having an explosion of tubes, compacts + tubs everywhere. I have 2 towers stacked next to one another on my bathroom counter. How Marie Kondo of me :) But seriously let’s not get carried away it’s like the one thing I do like her lol! Anyway, you should try them!


I hope this post has sparked joy in you, or at least inspired you a bit to Marie Kondo your own beauty routine +/or products… let me know if you do! Would love to see pics! Happy Almost Spring Babe!! X

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+ + For Meghan Markle’s all-natural beauty routine, go here

+ + For more eco beauty tips + tricks, go here